Just a very brief session for me this weekend, as it was Grand National day and time to donate some money to the turf accountants. Brian was engaged with family removal work, so I was on my own again. With the glorious weather we were forecast, I couldn't help strolling around the corner for a couple of hours on the disused former golf course, prior to the racing.
I fancied trying the pool we refer to as Parkers, but on arrival I spotted a tent in the far corner. Initially I thought it was a knackered old discarded tent, but a few movements started to appear and it was definitely inhabited - but by what? Now, round these parts you come to learn that it isn't likely to be a group of young Scandinavian females on a field trip. It's most likely to be NEDs, chavs, tramps, or those intent on eating anything that swims.
On this occasion it was 3 NEDs. I thought I might still give it a go, as they might turn out to be quiet NEDs. Bad mistake! No sooner were they out of the tent and the music was turned on and one of them was 15ft up a tree, smashing up as many branches as possible and acting like a prize tool. I don't actually believe they were trying to upset me - this was probably normal behaviour! At this point, I made the sensible choice to up sticks and move 150 yards to the sanctuary of the Crater pool.
It took half an hour to build the swim up properly, but the pool is crawling with fish, so once you have their attention, it's a rapid fire bite a chuck thereafter. Maggots attract too many very small fish, so I tend to stick to the corn on here once they get their heads down. I was hoping to get one of the better Rudd that are knocking around the pound mark, but my best effort in the short time was 8oz, which added a few ounces to my score for the year.

It actually looks more Roach like from that angle, but it was a Rudd. I had the usual mix of fish including a few small Roach and Perch, along with some of the interesting looking hybrids that inhabit this small water.
As always, I had the usual passer by offering advice. Why is it that no matter which of the 4 ponds you fish on this site, you always get told you should be fishing a different pool? To be fair on this occasion I think it's clear that Crater offers the least potential for big fish and I was a bit gutted not to have tried Parkers. Still, it's not too far away and there's plenty of the year left.